Thanks Danny! The Blues Stage is still smoking! No problem, I just strapped on a cooler bag and walked the crowd “ Ice Cream, get your sardine Ice Cream “. Chocolate sardine ice cream sold out fast, I should have known. Thanks for all you great videos and comments. Hope it was a second best, heard you had to cancel your vacation trip.
Thanks A.D! It was a great, rather long festival, good timing to ease the many problems we live in lately. Thanks for you great contributions, awesome songs, comments, the amazing CallyFest poster and genuine official tickets. Linger it will, that was fun! Big V- virtual living, good point.
Thanks ,gang ,Richard just plucked this out of the air as always and turned a lil music into a real song.We have a real Kismet working together.Allways kool to see what you come up with..Thanks for all the nice comments,Y'all
Incredible together, thanks for the calming tune.
Thanks Danny! The Blues Stage is still smoking! No problem, I just strapped on a cooler bag and walked the crowd “ Ice Cream, get your sardine Ice Cream “. Chocolate sardine ice cream sold out fast, I should have known. Thanks for all you great videos and comments. Hope it was a second best, heard you had to cancel your vacation trip.
Thanks A.D! It was a great, rather long festival, good timing to ease the many problems we live in lately. Thanks for you great contributions, awesome songs, comments, the amazing CallyFest poster and genuine official tickets. Linger it will, that was fun! Big V- virtual living, good point.
Thanks Buggy! Vinnie is the riff master! Thanks for your outstanding jams at the fest!
Thanks Daniel! Dave Gilmore comparisons very very much appreciated, one of my favorite bands. I guess a tiny bit rubbed off on me, Wow, thank you!
Thanks James! Vinnie strumming and playing a great groove makes the rest easy. Great calli shows my man, thanks!
Thanks Derek! I’m a video thief lately ha! Great fun with yours and Vinnie’s, a real honor!
I feel the Kismet Vinnie! Have to pick some of those tasty ear candy songs out there in the air from time to time. Thanks man!
Thanks ,gang ,Richard just plucked this out of the air as always and turned a lil music into a real song.We have a real Kismet working together.Allways kool to see what you come up with..Thanks for all the nice comments,Y'all
Great way to close out the fest. Good message and playing and singing. Thanks for the good vibes!