Bug Live

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This is my first live gig in front of a crowd (or what is left after you edit out the mistakes)Thanks to John for suffering me play, inviting me to his BBQ ...

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  • Thanks for the tips Bug, I'll go look at that vid.

    I've got an old antique parafin greenhouse heater that's looking like a strong candicate for a resonator !

    Either that or Uke :0)

  • How you the stop neck moving is the trick bit
    Need to be a block fix at the front to lock it down
    See my dogbowl reso and 2nd ever vid
  • Thin metal dish but strong enough not to bend
    Cat bowl good!
  • Nice one Bug,

    The ol CB Geetars sound excellent !!

    I guess you must make all these yourself?

    I've got a nice old wine box that's beggin for a CBG job on it. Haven't made a resonator before, what's the main principle behind it? can you give me any tips n tricks please?

    Cheers Mate


  • this is cool to see you live ! very nice setlist,

     i would love to be in the crowd instead of behind my comptuter ! 

  • Ah the face behind the slime! lol  Nice one, Buggy , ma man :)


  • Thank Ed and Turtlehead ... I did cut some bad bits out but tried hard!

    ED do you mean the ....Bombay Bicycle Club? (a curry house!)

    it was more like the JMBBQ..... work that one out!

  • From the BBC Recording Sessions. . . 

    Nicely played.  :)

  • Bugzannity!

  • Thanks John, RTZ, Paul,Fatboy and Jason.... I think play it fast while youre nerves are high and then slow it down, which I did but we didnt record it...Geat BBQ fog machine!! and the sausages were cool too..

    Thanks for all your words of motivation.... BE said I need to play some of my more wacky guitars next time and I will take this onboard...It was great fun even if a bit nerve racking...Thanks for watching and giving me some feedback all of you. 

    If I can give you a tip just do it, before you get old and then can't!

    Especially with such great people around you.

    Special thanks to Steve for stepping in on the drums, as I was failing with my lack of practice on the foot drums.

    (You see me making him work a bit ,on the last song.. he he)

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