Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is - three string slide cigar box guitar

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Here's another great song that I remember listening to in my dad's car when i was a kid. I hope to have made a faithful version of it here with my super primitive guitar, i feel that the guitar and this song were made for each other, both in sound and in spirit.Thanks for watching, and remember to record and post everything you discover. You never know who you will inspire next! - Uncle Crow

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  • that,s cool crow,well done

  • Great job !!!!!!
  • Ya talk the talk...ya walk the walk...and ya play the tune......with style!  Thanks!

  • good one freind

  • Yup.  What Stevesteve said.  Amazing.

  • Outrageous! It's a stick ON a box not even a stick in a box and it is making a great sound.

    Great fluid playing crow. I wish I could play half as well on my more complicated, fretted CBG.

    Must practice more. Great vid.
  • 306036939?profile=original306036939?profile=original306036939?profile=original306036939?profile=original306036939?profile=original306036939?profile=original

  •  good stuff !!!

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