Boxstock 2011 open mic Tinqui8 and Chickenbobe John

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  • Boxtocked, yeah I love it...could have T shirts with "I've been Boxtocked" printed on them, lol!!
  • Wow, First we change the world with our guitars made out of junk, then we change the english language with new verbs! Next, we conquer Mars!!
  • In general I agree with the etiquette posting, but I also think that there are exceptions. Boxstock is probably a good example of when an exception could be made.

    If each person who appears in the videos had put their own performance up, would it have generated the same criticism? I think not, yet what would the difference have been. Big events like this inevitably mean more music being posted to the site. The fact that Alan was good enough to video many other people's performances (and edit, and post and write descriptions) is more of a service to others than to himself I feel.

    Maybe one or two people who's videos got knocked off prematurely might repost in a while with a mention that they were previously "Boxstocked" (This is officially now a verb). The aim, in the end, is to be able to appreciate as much of everyone's music making as possible.

    Best wishes to everyone.


  • **thought**

  • Hey, I appreciate that maybe putting all these up at once knocked a few vids off the front page, and ok, I know for next time and my apologies to any vids that were affected, however, this is an open forum, there is a button marked "view all" on the front page and maybe it would be appropriate on the video upload page to set a limit on uploads instead of the current "you may upload up to 30 videos at a time" message. Just a though.
  • two busy weekends on the trot is taking its toll... i can't sleep, it's 3 o' clock in the morning but found all these great vids from open mic, enjoyed them all and really sorry now i wasn't there on the Friday...! )-:

    definately won't sleep now!

    Some wonderful performances overall, especially this one, this is what it's all about - thanks for posting Alan! (-;

    nighty night...


  • i  fully  agree    with  both.   just saying,  as  i  originaly said .. a couple at a time  may have been better .. spread it out a bit . just an  opinion  and  advice  ..and showing the topic has popped  up before ,,   it  is welcome to be taken or    left   ;-)




  • I've got mixed feelings about the etiquette of putting lots of videos on at once..on the one hand I'm really pleased to see these having not been able to make it to the Fest.

    On the other hand I feel a bit sorry for "Hippy Chip-Hippy Chip's Guitars" who put his first video on and it was only on for about 2 mins before being knocked of the front page : -/


  • Thank you Fugly.
  • oops  ..  humm .. look  what   just  fell out of my   pocket  ..


    humm   howd that get there  ;-)

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