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Views: 107
4 String Cohiba Box

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  • Thanks Jason, Stay warm !

  • Very nice RTZ!!! :>)

  • Thanks Reeds Wes Clock I put a lot of loud stuff here that I don't think most members don't care for so thanks.

     Nice to see your post Nancy thank you for yours

  • Really nice and mellow listening.....well done

  • 306394687?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Thanks for your support RTZY much appreciated~~~~Meow^^

  • 306394648?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    Absolutely the best Rtzy!!!! Wild And Free Spirit!!!  Meowwwwwwroarrrrrrrrrwwwww^^

  • o-BLT-570.jpg?5

  • No message John I recorded this and few other things a few weeks ago, testing acoustic guitars through new preamps  listen to it remixed and liked.

    Sorry Sammy, Thanks folk's I seem to try and use everything I record somehow, It won't be long before the only place you can see Tigers And Elephants will be in Zoo's. So I guess there is a message

  • Thanks James good to see you just posted a few songs with the wah pedal if you care to listen.

  • 306396012?profile=original

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