Bonesy Bar fighter slides

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Hand cut wine bottle neck slides

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  • Thanks Mate , I'm rough but I'm cheap ....

    . I'll put a few blades in your package you can get a banjo saw off eBay there shorter than a hacksaw or do you want me to get you one to send over let me know ,and I'll get it sorted after Dads send off this weekend the I won't be sober till Wednesday 


  • Great how too Bones. Clear yet mysterious! Thanks bud. I want a banjo saw.

  • There handy to use and make quick work of it .... Maybe you need to drink a Jeroboam bottle Cobba bigger neck size to fit the digits 

    . oh by the way Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie . Happy Fair Dinkum Day Cobba . 

  • Successfully cut 3 Wine Bottle Slides a couple of days ago using the same type of Saw & Blade, trouble is they're all too small, to fit over my "Ham Fisted Bricklayer Pinkie"  :-( 

  • I will try to check it out soon.  Thanks!

  • It color than yellow snow .... Cheers Pick 

  • There a saw all blade UJ if you can't find them let me know I'll post one to you .

  • kewl ;-)

  • 306672491?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Hee hee neato J~Bones! Be careful with that saw......Meeow^..^

  • I want to try that (but with a better radio station).  Pretty cool.  What is that 'blade' ?

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