Bone Diggers 2e Show Callyfest BCB SJP; 2020

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Bone Diggers second show at Callyfest 2020 , New exspirimental Festival musak for the hole Nation!

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  • Thanks Nancy! wayway  that cat is sure having her fun !! thanks for seeing the show !

  • Thank you richard ! for them fine words ! believe the Cally fest is on its way good and clear ! must have sold a bundle of them tickets cause never seen that many stage divers like at poorness his show !Dont know about the Black leather ,i warned in advance but may bee i shoud have taken the 3 D projection of John Wayne on the stagecoach doing the whipping, we will save that for a other time then ,but at least there where some cats who have there fun !

  • 4054992381?profile=RESIZE_710xFun and Funky!!!! Meowwwww^..^

  • Great show A.D! You are the hottest ticket in town. I was getting supplies for the hotel CALLYFEST, and I asked where everyone was going. To the beach, Cannery Row, the Bone Diggers we’re playing a night show!  Some acts are starting to show, the inviting hotel is starting to fill up. Nice two song set. Showing off the guitar skills, word is out up north in San Francisco, fans are showing up big time!  We’ve had several complaints about the live whipping on stage. Folks a little  queasy around these parts......unless your wearing black leather for some darn reason, then it’s cheered!  Super video, great creativity my friend, your in full CallyFest gear! 

  • Thanks Matthew ! Thanks for stopping bey ! appriciated !

  • Hi Dave ! Thanks for the comments ! maybee that buick was not the ideer afterall !! the train whit danny is still alternatif option ! take care see you !

  • Thanks poorness Glad you where there to see and hear the show !

  • Hello Derek ! thanks! glad you where there to listen!

  • great sound!!!!

  • I listened again Andries. A Second Show.! Wish I was there but Unc and I have just got together to Boogie on out. I’ll crack our Whip ! Yee Haw!

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