Blues Under A Clear Sky

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Song I wrote, Double sided axe I built w/3string flat pup tuned DGD My first slide song 2nd week of learning following Shane Speal's and Justin Johnson's lea...

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  • Thanks for the vote of confidence Gary. Feels a little awkward and I know I really need to spend time playing these as much as I build them.

  • Great sound. Slide sounds good, hard to believe this is first try. Second slide song should be really awesome!!

  • Thank you John,James O and James, Pick, and Clock for the kind words!

  • 306192293?profile=original AAAWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

  • coolaroo  ;-)


  •  good work !!! sounds great !!!

  • Good Song writing singing and playing Smilingdog  nice build

  • Wow.  Nice axe.  Good lyrics.  Good song.  Good performance.  Good on you, Smiling. 


    That slide is really coming along, man.  Did I say good?

  • Blues Under A Clear Sky  

    woke up
    this morning
    thoughts scrambling in my head

    As I stammered
    into  position
    with feet  slung over the bed

    whats the use of praying
    A soul with not to stay
    Too worn out to listen
    To the reason why

    How can I have the blues
    Under a  clear sky
    Sun shinning hot
    While I'm so cold inside

    Everything I ever love
    has been walked out the door
    Everybody's wearing black
    She ain't coming back no more

    I've let the years go by
    with no reason to cry
    living in a ghost town
    till the day I die

    Still How can I have the blues
    Under a  clear sky
    With the Sun shinning hot
    While I'm so cold inside

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