Blues Stay Away easy 3 chord song

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Old traditional song. You could use GCD, etc, for the I,IV and V chords. I used E,A B so I could use the E harp playing melody. Don't have to do an instrumental. Can skip it or whistle it or kazoo it(I) Blues, stay away from me.(IV) Blues, why don't you let me (I) be?I don't know (V) why, you keep on haunting me.Love was never meant for me.True love, was never meant to be.,It seems somehow, we never could agree.Life is full of misery. Dreams are like a memory.Bringing back your love, that only used to be.Tears, so many I can't see.Years don't mean a thing to me.Times goes by and I can't be free.

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  • Calim, thanks.   That is a great song.  As for the rest, I am too damn self critical to think it's very good,   But I have fun making these vids and getting kind comments.

  • wow really good; great song and i love your singing playing and harp;

  • Thanks Jason, Dave,Cousin Gus,  and Ritz.    Good idea Gus.   Make not a foot percussion device, but a foot operated scratchy 78 sound.   Like the drawing Ritz and your new logo.

  • cowboy.jpg

  • Great song, singing, sound...everything. Wouldn't sound out of place on one of those Yazoo Records old-timey ballad collections (except for the lack of old-78-RPM pops-n-scratches), which makes it cooler than everything.

  • Very nice Uncle John, I love your mellow voice. Nice guit too....
  • Really good Uncle John.

  • Thanks ED and Thanks Ron.   Ron, that guitar has mostly been a wall hanger.   Not one of my faves in GDg, but then retuned to ADF# it is better and BEGFflat is better yet.

  • John,

    Thanks for lettin' us sit around the digital campfire with you. You got mournful down in spades, and the tone of that git is killer.
  • Really Nice Uncle John.  I enjoyed listening.

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