Big Bug Money Blues - (Less is somehow more!)

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Cbg, footdrums and harp and singing.Rockhill Uke cone resonatorLive from Bug TowersA Bug Broonzy number(Using the Uncle John technique of playing the blues)

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  • It's been going on for years..
  • Oh, and in that Guy Davis Song formula, that last line is the same on each verse.


    Bug, someone will see that you are borrowing lines and think it is a bad thing.  It is not bad, it is the blues tradition and just about everyone does it. 

  • Good deal, Bug.  I recommend Pandora for enjoying music genres and artists.  I suspect you do not sit still very well, but if you can combine it with something else......  I sit and play computer chess some nights and listen.


    I found a new song formula that looks to have a lot of promise.  I got it from Guy Davis's 'Long As You Get It Done.'   The second line is repeated twice.  It is on youtube.   Here is an example from Mr. Guy.

    Baby, baby, tell me where you been.

    You been out there gettin' good lovin'.  Now you wanna come home again.  (whole line x 2)

    It don't matter how you do it, just as long as you get it done.




  • John I also drive around most days listening to 1930's blues
    Trying to find my next song.
    Check out digging deeper 10 CDs of just blues!
    For not a lot on Amazon. You start to realise how many
    are similar but just vary the melody a bit.
    The amount of shared words is because like us
    they shared and borrowed ideas for songs and
    Learnt from others. (And some couldn't write)
    I plan to write a song with more borrowed lines.
    Your blues writing blog is awesome and so simple to use
    and well worth a look now and then.
  • Yeh works a treat I shove my tongue in a few of the harmonica
    Ports to vary it but basically just figure out the basic
    Melody from the song and repeat.
    Also see the harp lesson on Bemusic page
    As its awesome. Shove the 2 together you will play harp
    and feel your way its all just listening to learn.
    And fiddling about till it sounds ok.
  • Do you mean that harp stuff actually works?

  • Well then.  I feel GOOD!

  • Thanks guys,John you inspired me the way you do it, it's a basic 12 bar blues riff and harp notes similar to your lesson, with some added foot drums. But respect to Broonzy he did some great tunes..I'm lovin this new cbg sound.

    I now need mics next to boost my vocals and drums... and improve the sound. as this was recorded on a just phone!

  • Excellent tunes!!!! :>)

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