Bad Finger Straight Relic Slide Demo

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My new slide design similar to a straight razor or pocket knife. ~100 year old black locust fence post, bone tip and brass weight. Get 'em here:

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  • Thanks Nancy and RTZ.  Yes, it works well as a noter, especially the ones that end up with a narrower wood end under the bone tip.  There are a couple that have a wider finger rest that give a lot of control to sliding.

    The slides are listed as all the same on my website right now, but with the next batch I will try to separate them into categories like regular and wide.  I will also have a separate listing for very unique slides with curly naturally shaped wood sections that have the appearance of being a little more custom.  I'm no carver so they will be all natural.  If you are looking for excellent carving, you know where to go for that.  :)


  • first thing to my mind is to use it like a dulci stick. interesting

  • Now that is a clever endeavor B~Finger!! Sounds really good to~~~~Meowwwww^.^306453077?profile=original

  • Thanks Pick, Wes, Uncle John and Ron.

    Works like a dulcimer noter too.  

    Washes dishes, walks the dog, somethin' for the little lady, somethin' for the little lady, somethin' for the little lady, hmmmmm.  Step right up.

  • Yep. Dat works. Now I gotta get me a 5-string Sawzall and one o' dem jackknife slides.

    Dang it.
  • That is some fine playing and sliding.   Getting a lot of good out of the slide.  I thought this type would be hard on arthritic old far fingers, but the between the fingers part is pretty thin.....   Gees.  I am just getting nearly up to being mediocre with  a round slide.  I better stick to round.   Neat what you are doing.

  • yup.  ;-)

  • Thanks Clock. This design is a better look and sound than my first try.

  • BADFINGERDELICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks Greg.  Sorry, forgot to add the materials to the video description.  Fixed that now.

    Thanks Jim.  :)  I'll try to get a video playing lap steel style.  the extra long handle makes a light touch easier than a weighted tone bar.

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