"Autumn's Approach"

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Another finger picking improve reflecting on the imminent approach of Autumn :-(

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  • Cheers SPD ;-)
  • Hmm brass sound? I did think it had a slight bugle tinge in places from hitting the strings clean and hard. As for it not making sense the title was a spur of the moment thing when I looked out the window to see red leaves through rays of sunshine I instantly thought Autumn is approaching fast :-)
  • Nice tune Beamer lol John that made me Smile ;-)

  • Good deal, Beamer.   Glad you had a sense of humor about it.   Beautiful song and it did make me visualize slowly falling leaves.   It doesn't make entire sense to me, but Slowhound is right about the brass sound too.

  • Thanks TH for the comments, appriciated :-)
  • UJ I'm still laughing at your vivid recollections of Autumn great sense of humour :-)))
  • This is beautiful.  It makes me visualize a cool crisp day and slowly falling red and yellow leaves.   And Vs of geese overhead.  

    And a parade.   Fire trucks.    Tanks.   Ooh and an all girl tuba and washboard band in red tights and red silk tops with white fringe.   And babies in carriages.  Their mommas are holding them up to see the parade.  Ugly babies.   Babies only their mommas could love.   Ooh, ooh,   A giant helium porky pig float.   Ha, little kids holding it down and a gust of wind lifts off porky and the kids are dangling and screaming from the float ties.

    I like fall.

  • Many thanks, SlowHound, James, Clock, Wes & Fisterran for the comments :-)
  • There's almost a brass sound happening. Nice!!

  • Very nice, as usual
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