As The Crow Flies - original by Unc with an assist from Bug

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As The Crow FliesI'm sick & broken & trying to make my way home. (x2)A thousand miles from home. I don't want to die alone.My daddy told me, “You reap what you sow. “ (x2)But I never listened and now I'm all alone.I'm a bad apple far from the family tree. (x2)I wasn't raised up to turn out this a' way....I was raised right, but it didn't sink in. (x2)Raised for Heaven and bound for sin.Shoulda gone home a long time ago. (x2)A thousand miles as the crow flies, but I'm no crow.Shoulda gone home a long time ago. (x2)A thousand miles as the crow flies, but I'm no crow.I'm broke and & hungry, trying to make my way home. (x2)A thousand miles as the crow flies, but I'm no crow.A thousand miles as the crow flies, but I'm no crow.

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  • Tell her to let me out, Patrick.  I will mow the grass and help clean house.

  • Fine tune John........Fine tune indeed!

    I told you to stay up on the yardwork or Linda was gonna have you put you in the Harlan Hyatt.........I see you didn't listen  :-) 

    Love the bars though....very convincing!

  • Thanks, Jason.  Good to have you around.  I figure you've been busy working.

  • Awesome tune Uncle John!! :>)

  • LOL and thank, Ted.

  • Now that song is something to Crow about!

  • Yup, RTZ.  He looks the part.  

  • th?id=OIP.M551d546d59fa166851c7afebf1e935f8o0&pid=15.1

  • Thanks again to you, Bug.  I forgot about this song and now I like it quite a bit.

  • Nice job Uncle John
    Love the bars! Works a treat..
    I thought we had finally got you in
    Great words too..
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