Angry Rooster Guitars and Bobby Pizzoferrato covering Poison "Every rose has its thorn"

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Here is my hand made 6 string cigar box guitar. Playing it is Bobby Pizzoferratto. This guitar is made with 2 Saint Luis Rey cigar boxes. The neck/fretboard ...

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  • Ya everything they hear is all buffed and brushed in the studio. Live bands dried up with the invention of DJs kerioke and open stage. No pay , period. I've played at koffee houses and like that ok. Coffee's good nuff. :*)
  • Thanks Dave! At least he paid ya.....not that that made you feel any better. Some people don't appreciate good live music!!!
  • I played a gig with my band way over in Wisconsin at a big dancehall. The bar was in the other room. No body turned around to watch us nor clap. The owner paid us after a set and let us go out of pity I suppose.
  • Nice sound Rooster!
  • If you get a chance, he's in a band US Kids. Look them up on YouTube!
  • Yeah man. Tough, unappreciated gigs but you put the money in your pocket and move on. Payin' dues! At least you were there for the slow clap.

  • It's funny you said that. Just before this gig, he played another gig at a local casino at their fancy steakhouse. He had a sidekick for that one. They would finish a song and never got anyone in the crowd to clap. He jokingly said something about getting a sarcastic applause. After that, I started doing that sarcastic, one clap....then another clap....then maybe a third and fourth. He just laughed. Great guy right there!
  • Cool! He sounds good on it. This brings flashbacks of my many bar gigs where the crowd was drunker than me and then one person claps at the end. Man, I miss those days!

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