Angel Band -Repurposed. Happy Easter

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From the project with Jim Morris and J. Rob.Angel Band[G]My latest sun is [C]sinking [G]fast,my race is [D]nearly [G]run[G]My strongest trials [C]now are [G]past,my triumph [D7]has be[G]gun[D]Oh, come [G]Angel Band[D]come and a[G]round me [G]standOh [C]bear me awayon your [G]snow white wings (x2)to my [D]immortal [G]homeOh bear my longing heart to himWho bled and died for meWhose blood now cleanses from all sinsAnd gives me victory. - ChorusI've almost gained my heavenly homeMy spirit loudly singsThe holy ones, behold they comeI hear the noise of wings - Chorus

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  • Preston, I get in with the local jams and I am the least accomplished player.  But I keep at it too.   We are mostly acoustic jams so I make two big box 4 strings (DGBE and GDGB) and they are loud enough to be heard and sure play better for me than a six.   They seem to fit in a bit better and are still, in my mind, the same CBG family.   Better for me are Open Mics where I play alone and plug in.

  • I am involved with my local city acoustic jam every Tuesday evening. They've played this song several times, but I finally heard all the words, thanks to you, John. I'm the only guy there playing a CBG and I'm not the best at what I do, but I keep trying.

  • Thanks, Sammy.   Where have you been?

  • Lovely tune UJ, sure missed you fella's.
  • Thanks, J.  I liked doing the song with you and Jim.   And I like it very simple like this.

    Thanks James and Dave.   You are welcome on, Dave.   I love the songs from Oh Brother too. 

  • Oh, and thanks for the chord progression. I love this song and many on the movie score. We do Went Down To The River To Pray.... and Man of Constant Sorrow....

  • Thanks Uncle John.  I couldn't get this one on my pad. Had to go to my old set desktop to hear you. I'm glad i did. Very nice. Moving. There's a swell of Easter goodness coming through on many of the videos. Wish i could join you on some harmony. Some day by and by. God bless Uncle.

  • Very nice Excellent

  • Nice!

    Yep i agree with Jim sounds great with just you also! 

  • Thanks RTZ and Buggy.  Oh, Nancy.  I hope there is some kind of kitty Heaven.   Thanks for the Angel cats!

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