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Aluminum Bacofoil Pickup

Views: 135
This is a quick test on some ideas to how the Alumitone could workThis only works when the aluminium is connected to ground.One small coil and magnet sends its magentic field across to the non connected magnet. the Earth field seems to maek it all work.Unplug the earth and it stops working.see my quick test pictures.

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  • more cowbell!

  • Listening (with headphones) to as many Aluminitone demos as I could find, I couldn't help but think they're rather harsh sounding. And that harshness seemed to be there no matter what guitar, style of music, or musician.
    Just my 2¢ anyway. Hopefully the homebrews will sound a little sweeter. :-)
  •   Very interesting .  I've been following this idea ever since Beetle Juice posted on the mass produced pickup that used this idea , or as like to call them our prototype !  Great reverse engineering , Bug .  Makes sense to me .  I'm going to have to play mad scientist with this idea now .   Thanks for posting .

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