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Aluminium Pickup tester 2a

Views: 107
Strangely this pickup works on nylons strings too!So It has to be working via vibration.(as well as inductance when used on metal strings..)Does that blow out your theory?You cannot attach any magnet to the aluminium can, so it clearly isn't magnetic.(Using a small Buzzer coil)

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  • Darryl when I tried I discovered it was a floating magnet that made this work instead, as it worked on nylon strings and confused the hell out of so I went back to the drawing board

  • Sounds good however it works.

  • Many thanks ... see my video 3.... I know how it works!!!

    I'm about to revolutionise future pickup designs!! this does both inductance and piezo in one .....

    you saw it here first on CBN !! (shute ....where that patent form!!)

  • lol thats pretty cool aint it  keep playing with it mate looks like your onto a winner :)

  • that works well..and looks very cool too!! Strange how it works with nylon strings...

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