Country music with Tele CBG and Bouzouki: Ain't It Sad To Love A Memory / I'd Have Never Fixed That Pickup Truck (If I'd Knowed You'd Have Drove Away)

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LIVE from Waltz Astoria (GREAT venue, check it out)Me on my Cigar Box Tele (named Smokey) and my friend Tommy on the Greek Bouzouki. I love the reaction I get when I open up my guitar and show everyone the inside ;) Soon I'm gonna upload a video of my newest build, a Cigarbox Les Paul (or a Less Paul as I'm gonna call it). Hope ya'll like it and drop me a comment to let me know what ya think ;)- CGC

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  • Thanks everyone for your comments - CGC

  • The first song is very mournful and very good. The second one less mournful but just as good. Good appreciative audience. Nice job.

  • good work guys!!!

  • Nice country singing and song.

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