A Gospel for KC Fest (9/22/13)

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KC fest is a week away. I am doing some blues songs and wanted to do a Gospel too. I recorded this to see if it sounded good enough for KC. Sounds good enough to me. Will plan on doing it.Gonna be a good time. Good people, good players and builders. Good BBQ.I think Maddog and I are riding down together. Will be good to see old nation friend and meet new ones. If you see us, come give us a hello.

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  • Will do, Wes.

  • Thanks, Nancy, Ruth, Muddy and Ted.  

    One of my most favorite too, Steve.

    I think that is correct, Keith.  And sometimes it is the band having fun that gets across to the listeners.

  • Go for it. It isn't always about how well a song is done, but that they feel your hearts intentions.

  • great job john.......

    that was my grandmas favorite song...........

    made me think of her thanks.............

  • Uncle John, NICE.!!!

  • Rest for a weary soul! There are never any CBG fests anywhere near me. I'm gonna have to start my own.
  • Great job UJ. One of my favorites.

  • Good enough for me and everyone uj!!!!  Sounding strong love it!!  Hope you have a  safe and great time! Meowwwww^^ Wolfie great pic!306140054?profile=original

  • @ Clock.  I love that photo.  Thanks, man.  Gonna print it an put it up in the shop with a couple others from you.  Your tech skills and generosity to me and others is appreciated.

  • @ Maddog, Patrick, I'm looking forward to the KC trip and your company. 

    @ SlowHound, Cowbird, ED and James.  Thank you, sirs.

    @ Jim, thanks and it would be nice to meet you in person.  It sure looks like you have fun with your old timey and bluegrass fests. 

    @ James O.   I hear you brother.   7 months to go and counting.  I hope it flies by.  It seems like October through new years does fly and then things drag.   Night work and day sleeping is  tough, especially for us old guys.    I will admit that I am counting the months too.  I am so called semi-retired and probably will go the whole distance in 27.5 months.

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