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A Folk Song! Billy Bragg, To Have and To Have Not

Views: 125
Just another little strum along song. Room for improvement I know. Comments welcome, good or bad!! lol!

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  • Rab C is ma Granda, BTW.  Great TV series, but the new series they made the other year ... Oh dearie me ! Some things best left after they run their course (as ma many of past burds used ta say lol). Cheer, Paul, catch ye later :)

  • James ma man thanks for the comment. Well we've all got these accents ya know and I've usually no trouble understanding the scots, old Rab C got a bit hard going at times but you get the general gist lol!

    The old 'big nose boy from Barking' has written a good tune or two!

    I must got my backside in gear and upload a chooon I think.

  • Paul ma man. How come veryone is sayin' ah'm the wan wi the ACCENT!! Yous hiv aw got an accent, no' me lol.

    Nice one, poostick. I like Billy Bragg. Wish ah ahd a card game named after me. Jamie MacTrump (after ah eat beans lol)

  • That works really well. Excellent playing.

  • Cheers for the support people.....Nancy, I've got enough with strings and things, but I've often thought of giving the harp a go! Yeah Oily I'll give it some nutzzzzz, just getting used to things at the moment.

  •  fun song think some harmonica in the middle would be cool with this - nice voice

  • Nice song, Paul. Keep practicing; you're gettin' there. Guitar tone sounds great. If you do decide to do this live, you might consider giving it The Clash treatment: a bit more anger in the voice will really sell the song. Especially because the chordal arrangement is so happy / poppy sounding. The contrast would work really well. Good job.

  • Yes you got the right voice for that one.... excellent rendition

  • good job mr pool stick!!!

  • Hmm.  New song to me.  Good song.  Like how you play and sing it.   Like your accent.   Yeah, yeah, you are saying-- what accent?.

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