A day in the life of Red Dog Guitars

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-----------------If you want to be as happy as a snuggly pup, play a Cigar Box Guitar!I just so happen to have some for sale at https://reddogguitars.com- 3 and 4 string cigar box guitars & cigar box pickups for sale -I also have more old time blues videosAll of the videos are recorded with only 3 and 4 string Cigar Box Guitar music. NO regular guitars.#cigarboxguitar #3stringguitar #reddogguitars #cigarboxguitars

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  • Great adventure Pups Beetle! Fun Rompin guitars!

  • here is the photo of it


  • Hi Matt, yes its the newest guitar I have made, it only has a piezo 

  • is this the new one you built? Sounds wonderful!!!!

  • Beagles!   Love your slow play blues. 

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