3 String Fretless Reso Cigar Box Guitar - New Song "Lay My Hat Down"

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Lots of my music available here https://bemuzic.bandcamp.com/I came in late on the last verse, but I only finished writing it a few hrs before filming it, so I wasn’t likely to get through it with no mistakes!I’ve mainly put it on to show fellow Cambridge busker Banjo Nick, as I wrote it with the intention of us playing it together when we meet up busking, if he likes it.GUITAR INFOIt’s also to show my newly finished 3 string Cigar box reso.It’s the first guitar I’ve made that isn’t a through neck, so that was all a bit new. I was intending to fret it, but loved the wavy lines going up the neck (walnut) and didn’t want to cut across it, so decided to leave it fretless. I’m also really enjoying playing something fretless for a change…a lovely old time sound.I was intending to put a flatpup on it as well as a rod piezo in the biscuit bridge, but decided to leave that off as I like the piezo sound as it captures the resoness (not a word??!)The scale length is 23”The strings are Zebra DR acoustic/electric. I bought them when I thought I was going to put a magnetic as well as piezo, as they work with either, and left them on as I liked them. I’ve used the D,G and B strings (24,32,42)The nut and bridge are unbleached bone. The reso cone is a 5 1/2" one made by Charles Atchison. I bought two, so I may make a similar one, but fretted at some point. You can buy them here https://www.cbgitty.com/cigar-box-guitar-parts/resonator-parts/5-5-inch-lightning-spun-aluminum-cigar-box-resonator-cone-by-charles-atchison/ I also vaguely followed his building instructions http://www.charlesatchison.com/#!build-a-resonator-cigar-box-guitar/c1uyjThe tuners are these from Chickenbone John http://chickenbonejohn.myshopify.com/products/epiphone-deluxe-machineheads-2-1 I really like them, both for the nice retro look, and also they turn nice and smoothly. Much nicer than the cheapy eBay ones I’ve been using. The slide is also one from Chickenbone John - one of these http://chickenbonejohn.myshopify.com/products/daddario-chromed-brass-slide It's worth having a browse on Johns page as he has some good quality stuff! I got this slide for busking as I keep breaking glass ones : -/ Like it a lot but wouldn't use it for recording as when playing a guitar with a magnetic pickup I get a slight crackle. Can't notice it while busking though, with street noise etc.I'm most often tuned A,E,A, but for this song I went down to G,D,G as I thought it’d be better for Nick in G?Filmed with a GoPro Hero 4

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  • : -)

  • It has good reso sound.

  • Thanks John, wow I hadn't noticed it had that many views! Yes things have quietened down on here compared to the old days. It's made me feel like playing the reso again. Haven't played it for a while. Seem to remember the pick up was playing up and needs sorting out...

  • Look how many views and likes.  This was the good old days when the CBG thing was kind of a revolution.  I re-found this by accident.  So good.   Maybe it's the hat!  Great to hear again.  That reso cooks.

  • thanks Dave : -)

  • Wonderful Be! Your new reso sounds mighty sweet. Great song too. Thanks.

  • ha, you made me smile on a gloomy Weds evening, thinking of you singing along, Slow Blues Dani : -)

  • I think I commented back on the first or second page but glad I came back for another lesson after the email telling me that Hermit commented. Great to revisit this. It truly is wonderful and we both had a sing along to the lyrics here at home. Wow that chorus is catchy! I might be singing that for a week now. Brilliant, brilliant job Bemuzic.

  • thanks a lot HERMIT : -)

  • great vibe and real catchy. beautiful clean looking reso. enjoyed every minute

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