3 songs

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Playing some new songs at my mum and dads.

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  • That's my eldest son Guy playing and singing and the Blancanieves is Freya my granddaughter, Ewan is the pirate, they had just come back from a fancy dress party, all great fun! Thank you for the kind comments, I will pass them onto Guy, all the best mate. :)

  • Nice song and nice guitar. And the little Blancanieves...!!

  • Hi all, just flown back from Madrid after Guy's brothers wedding so will get back to your questions when I have had the chance to sleep and recoup. He will be over the moon with your comments, thank's to you all, Chris. :)

  • VERY NICE CHRIS............VERY NICE SINGING AND PICKING...................

  • It's all one song. Great stuff, Chris. Your boy's good. Is any of his music available?
  • Your son is talented, and like his songs.

  • Good stuff, there must be something in the Ossett water. 

  • Cheers Reeds but it's my son mate, both my sons play I build but thank you anyway, he will be pleased you enjoyed his new songs, all the best, Chris. :)

  • Sounding very nice Chris......

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