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$3.75 cent guided tour of my "man Cave"

Views: 101
Really nothing of any importance ,, just wanted u all to see some my "stuff"

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  • thanks for the tour of your cave ,and more so your tour of duty good sir .

  •  I'm real lucky  ,, Good Lord gave me a magnificent woman for a wife ,, we had 4 children ,, got 9 grandkids  4 greats and nuther on the way !!   Life is good in the deep south    !!  Tks guys for looking and commenting

  • Hi Richard, It looks like you have had a wonderful life, judging by your family and experiences. That amounts to a whole lot more than "a whole lot of nothin". Thanks for the tour.

  • Richard. Nice tour. It seems that I owe you $3.75.

  • Damn,  Can not let my wife see this or she will make me paint my man cave. 

    Fine Feng Shui.  Like your stuff.   Gees, Rich.  Like the red fish.   Go Navy.  Nice family and nice man cave. Nice row of cbgs.  

    I enjoyed this.   You are blessed.

  • Rich,


    You are a blessed and happy man. Good on yer. I like your sign: LAUGH. People roundabouts could do more of that.

  • Richard, I liked the man cave mate ... Isn't it just great to have somewhere to escape to once in a while. ... mines in the loft.

  • 305789323?profile=original

  • 305789443?profile=original305789458?profile=original305790928?profile=original305792010?profile=original305792032?profile=originalvery nice !!! thanks for sharing!!!

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