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""when work chucks you out and you don't know what to door life deals you a bum hand in some way you soon find out who your friends are at times like these

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  • yep come to the conclusion that although we tell ourselves we are free we are anything but --we are slaves a commodity to be used traded and discarded

  • Thirty years on Coal Strip Mines, they threw me and my Lungs out the door.

    Very nice, it hits home.

  • simply put.....Perfect

  • thank you for you kinds words .

    it was a cement works a dirty hard place to be where boys became men but now its all closed down in truth the air we breath here is a lot cleaner here now and you can always survive somehow on the plus side I have a lot of time for music

  • Man, that is some great blues, guitar and harp and sad powerful photos.   Really good.  I can't tell what that place manufactured other than hard-ass, dirty, sweaty - and sometimes frozen and sometimes bloody work,  

    Good wishes for better times ahead.  And thanks for this great vid.

  • thanks Jim  you know I was listening to skip James hard time killing floor about 12 months ago and thought mmm nice tune but didn't really understand that was before my wife was taken ill and me having to give up work to care for her and all the financial hardships that brings  , only then listening again to the track did I think you know this is all still relevant today almost 100 years on and when I looked around even in my little town all the industry has gone there is no job for life as there used to be all we have now is low paid long hours temporary  or part time work and if you are over a certain age or not prepared to be exploited  forget it .any way on a positive note there is more to come !!!!!!!

  • yup

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