100 Traffic Years

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Traffic highlights from the 1930’s — and beyond. Driving a 4 string resonator with chrome bumpers.

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  • Derek, it was my warm engaging smile.........the dozen doughnuts I gave him didn’t hurt either!

  • You're welcome and glad you got out of the ticket (I won't ask what you did to get off the hook!) ;)

  • Thanks Derek! Funny thing today, I almost got a speeding ticket going 28 in a 25 mph zone!  Talk about Model T speed! The cop pulled up beside me and  gestured with his hand slow down!  I’m as lucky today as Uncle at Bingo night ha! The future and traffic......a mess! Thanks for the nice comments D!

  • Good soundtrack Richard. Nice guitar playing and neat futuristic images!

  • Ha! That was my Rosanna Rosannadanna moment Vinnie......never mind! Now I got who you and Andries are talkin bout! Thanks for the  clarification!  Meanwhile, back to My clockwise strumming Ha!

  • I meant the vid looked and sounded like our CBG brother who we havent seen for a bit "Clock The Wolf"..Was not a reflection on yer timing..lol

  • Thanks Danny! This is my first sliding attempt on my dog bowl resonator. The strings are very low, even at the highs, adjusted for finger picking. One thing the sustain is pretty cool, lasts for a few seconds to play around with. I did come down on the frets with the slide wat to much. Might have to raise the height a bit, because I’m a clunky slider, learning to smooth out slowly though! Thank you very much Danny!

  • I guess I haven’t paid much attention to it, but I do have a clock timing mechanism in my stoke. My strumming hand never stops, helps me keep timing, which I’m terrible at, even during the quieter times. That’s why I use drum tracks Vinnie! I’ll meander in a song like a dog on a scent ha! Thanks Vin!

  • very interesting video Richard. I love seeing the old cars from the past and the look into the future was pretty interesting also. Nice sounding 4 stringer too
  • Yeah,agreed Abdries,does have a def Clockish vibe to it.Very koolsville nonetheless,and always the way superb vids..
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