Wow Day One

In my first official day of learning the cbg I have learned one thing. And well I think that thing is very important thing. I have learned that cbg may be the ONLY musical based thing I have discovered that encourages people to make noise no matter how horrible AND last  but not least to play things how your like them not how everyone else likes them. I love it. I feel liberated. The world as I know it may just be in for many weird, exciting, rude awakenings.  I am going to be as nutty as the professor. :)

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  • I could not agree more, especially when it comes to playing these things. I remember a discussion I was having with my brother, I had just played a cbg version of the cucoo and my brother was scolding me. That is missing way too many notes to be the cucoo he sais. I looked at him and said and yet you knew it was the cucoo . So I guess it is. You see I love the minimalist approach to playing, how simple how stripped down and emotionally raw can you make something. It is a feeling and a vibe you make rather than pure technique. Now I know you can have a ton of technique with only 3 strings but you can also have naked, honest simplicity. Some folks dream of being Hendrix but I always wanted to be a Ramone. O well. Enjoy the liberation and long live the revolution!!

  • (•‿-)

  • Thanks to everyone for being so Welcoming. As I have told a few people I don't ever see myself making cbg's, because it's just not my thing. But, it's ok because I feel like "if" I need anything I could post it right here and someone would say, "I make that". However playing... Now that's my thing. :()

  • Ty for the kind words. I am having a blast. Thanks goodness for a place like this. :)
  • Very important lesson indeed! This site is full of helpful,encouraging people who play stuff the way they like. The fun part for me is ignoring what professionals do unless it makes sense to me. Having courage to make some failures is exteremely liberating and leads to creativity that takes you in unexpected directions. Keep being nutty and you'l be right at home here!

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