I've finished the Shane Speal Outlaw series and even if I do say so myself I think they came out pretty good.First off I want to thank Shane for giving me the go ahead to use his pictures on these puppies. I figure he was the guy that got me hooked on this stuff so it was fitting to do a little tribute to the guy. Plus I'm hoping his mug raises the sales value on them LOL They are on E bay if anyone would care to have a gander. Or you can see pics of them on my page.The piezo trick I got from Jason Hitesman works like a champ! Not only is there no feedback what so ever, I can't even get feedback if I try! So BIG thinks to Jason!I have tons of other ideas for CBGs, 2 strings, and even some diddly bo's. Having an art background seems to lend me more to the designing of CBGs than the actual playing LOL I still sound like a alley cat trying to get out of a wet sack when I play LOL I guess that will just come with time and practice.Thank you so much to everyone who has given me help and moral support along the way and I hope I can keep turning out cool CBGs.Peace Y'all,BigB