So much to do, so little time.

Hello to you all,

I realise that, as I get older and starting to think about the time that I will retire from work, the time spent at work means that there is less time to build instruments.

I work a really antisocial shift system that means that when I am not working I am usually catching up with sleep and performing all of those domestic toils that take time to complete. The result of these household happenings results in the lack of time for building and playing guitar box and junk instruments.

I have recently finished a 3 string biscuit tin fiddle and I am just adding the final tweaks to a 4 string cigar box fiddle but............

There is the biscuit tin soprano ukulele that was started about a year ago that is gathering dust on the workbench. There is the stand up bass that I want to be able to play with a bow. There is the 'stick' violin idea that I have. The 5 string tin banjo has remained untouched for too long and the playing, rehearsal and recording of songs has for far too long been something that I have failed to address.

I noticed a quote on a website the other day. 'How many guitars should one person own?' Just one more.......
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