I made this a few 5-10 years ago. I have made a few archery bows and many instruments. I made a couple Birimbau from my days living in Brasil. Time to make another. I need to make a video to show its use but I basically coipie what Buffy Saint Marie played with Pete Seeger and on Sesame Street: https://youtu.be/LXkM11kp_tg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO4vZTPuT0Q maybee it only works directly on Youtube ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO4vZTPuT0Q Hi lenny maybee you like this !! Kind greeeettsszz A.D.
Buffy Saint Marie played with Pete Seeger:
I made this a few 5-10 years ago. I have made a few archery bows and many instruments. I made a couple Birimbau from my days living in Brasil. Time to make another. I need to make a video to show its use but I basically coipie what Buffy Saint Marie played with Pete Seeger and on Sesame Street: https://youtu.be/LXkM11kp_tg