Guitars and violins made from wine boxes and cigar boxes, banjos made from warming pans and dog bowls, and bass guitars made from bicycle parts form the focus of an exhibition at Ig:LU in Inverness. Artist and musician Don Jack, otherwise known as Cigarbox Don, makes and plays these unusual instruments. These have led Don into magical adventures, playing with Rob Ellen on tea-chest bass (and an ever changing number of guests) as The Slim Panatellas.
The Slims play in some unusual venues from a cigarbox guitar festival in France to The Scottish Parliament. The exhibition runs from 28th October and will feature live music events over the 2 weeks with some of our friends. Programme and tickets on sale for music events on Sept 30th from the Ig:LU website http://theig.lu/
Ig:LU exhibitions are open to the public, however - to manage numbers effectively for night events, you'll need to visit the website and pop your name down, there is limited seating space.
When you arrive you'll just have to check your name of our list. http://entry.theig.lu/
Music Programme all money collected will be going to pay for artists expenses, thanks for your generosity!
Everyone attending needs to let us know in advance for each event you would like to attend.
(Limited space available entry on a first booked basis for all events http://entry.theig.lu/)
Friday Nov 1st 7.30pm
“Suffering From Scottishness”
Dumb Instrument and The Slim Panatellas
(By Donation £8 recommended)
Best described as “Michael Marra having a pint in the snug bar with Ivor Cutler” - Dumb Instrument saw the Slim Panatellas at Belladrum this year when they were both playing Rob Ellen's Potting Shed Stage . Pithy poet and band leader Tom Murray loved Don's quirky take on Scottishness, and his Scottish pastiche songs in particular, and invited them to open up for Dumb Instrument at the launch of their next CD at Oran Mor. By way of mutual respect and, as a thank you, Don has invited Dumb Instrument to take part in this chance to celebrate our Scottishness, we invite you all along to. http://dumbinstrument.com/
Dumb Instrument hail from Ayrshire and have become known for their unconventional and shrewdly observed songs which deal with among other things Unicorns and Cliff Richard. In 2012 they won the Billy Kelly Songwriting Award and released a single, 'Suffering From Scottishness' from which we derive the title of this evenings shenanigans.
"Outstanding....Unique!" - Tom Morton BBC Radio Scotland
"Ivor Cutler on Irn Bru."- Ayrshire Post
"alternatively hilarious and genuinely poignant." - The Skinny
"You definitely need some of them in your lives " - Vic Galloway BBC Radio 1
Sunday Nov 3rd 2pm
Oldtimey Bluegrass Sessions & concert with Red Blues and Friends.
(by donation £5 recommended)
Red Blues are from the River Delta! The Spey Valley River Delta, very accomplished musicians, they draw their inspiration from the music of the deep south, old timey, jug band, blues and bluegrass, there are always fireworks when Don gets together with these guys. Your invited to fill up your Jug and bring your instruments - all welcome!!.
Saturday Nov 9th 7.30pm
The Federals, Emma Mitchell Band, & The Slim Panatellas + special guest and compere Fash Stewart.
(by donation £5 Recommended)
Don provides mandolin services with Highland hill-hilly bootleggers The Federals, and he performs and records with blues based songstress Emma Mitchell, The Slim Panatellas will be opening up what is gonna be a party for and with all our friends, with the emphasis on “Ye Ha”!! Math Tha.

Sunday Nov 10th 2pm The hand-made hokum ho-down
All welcome - bring your instrument but also bring a weird one too, or a homemade piece, such as Sewanee whistles, washboards, Kazoos, bones, spoons, lavvy paper and combs -- surprise us!!
Booking and more info at http://theig.lu/
Thanks so much for supporting this event and for your interest in home grown hand rolled hokum music and Cigarbox Don's Adventure, which continues at www.theslimpanatellas.com and www.facebook.com/theslimpanatellas