simple (1)

steampunkish cbg

so my first project and possibly my first model/series i will be making and selling is going to be called Lenore, after my first cbg I made. I am changing it a bit to reflect my style today. I want to make it steampunk style; now I know what you are thinking that steampunk is going to be gawdy and its just another way to rack up the price. I say nay, in fact historically the 3 string cbg design that is standard today started around 1840 which the victorian(steampunk era) began around 1837 so the cbg is steampunk in its own rights. I am just going to accentuate more on prass parts and a classy design. I am currently trying to find a exposed wooden grain box. It's going to be simple and minimalist which i prefer and keeps it affordable for all. if you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see on it or how you think it might look shoot me a line.
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