me (1)

Back to work.

So, following my break/holiday it was back to work for a fortnight of difficult (and long) shifts.


However, I did manage to fit in a couple of open mic sessions. One was the monthly 'jam night' at the Plough where, having arrived late after a long shift, I played my cigar box fiddle performing (for those that know or care) "Lincolnshire Lads", "Fanny power" and and a tune of my own, "Gipple docks" Went O.K. although the people there were hardly expecting fiddle music.



On Thursday last, several members of the orchestra in which I play were attending a folk open mic session at the George hotel in Leadenham. As the place says it sells 600 different  whiskies, the sessions are known as the 600 whiskies sessions. Very logical these locals.


As I had instruments with me I was asked if I wanted to play and, never one to      

9353735072?profile=originalhide my dim light under a bushel, I agreed. I gave them a quick rendition of "Skegness" on my baritone scale slide guitar tuned 'Spanish' (G) and later a version of "It hurts me too" on my cigar box resonator tuned 'Vestapol' (C).

It all seemed to go down well with the obligatory discussions about the instruments and an invite to return another time and play some more.

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