life (1)

CBG saved my musical life

I can't live without music, and playing music has always been a huge part of my life.


5 years ago, a fight with 2 drunken guys changed a lot of things concerning my musical life. Despite the fact I punched them hard, one of them hit my left wrist with a big knife, cuting nerves and veins. I lost sensitivity in a part of my hand and two fingers often do what they want, the wound having decided I was no more their master. Well, we could say I have two fingers left, but when you've been a kind of local guitar hero, it can be hard to accept. In 2010, I tried to play again but no way. Fastening third and little finger, I could play some solos with the two others, when but no more bar chords. And playing some garage punk/pop/rock, I played a lot of bar chords. As I love delta blues, raw/punk blues, I tuned my guitars in open D ou G, but it didn't sound as I wanted. Demoralized, I sold my guitars (Les Paul, Danelectro), my amps (Marshall, Fender) and bought drums. I liked playing drums, but it wasn't "my" instrument, and you all know than playing an instrument which is not the instrument making you vibe deeply is not the same... I bought a cheap guitar and tried to play with 3 or 4 strings. It wasn't bad but the sound wasn't what I wanted and no one around me understood what I was trying to do. Once again I was demoralized... Then I discovered Seasick Steve and I was happy to see I wasn't the only guy to play with cheap guitar and few chords.


Then, searching more on the web, I discovered CBG.

And my life changed.

The flame, the spark are here again.


So, you'll excuse me when I sometimes yell "I LOVE CBG".


They saved my musical life. Or is it my life ?


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