builders (1)

Nashville CBG builders and players ATTENTION

NASHVILLE builders and players ATTENTION!

We can all get together and join in as an association of Nashville area CBG. Artist to do charity work including building CBGs for worthy causes. We could put on concerts, donate time to teach the art to children and each other, do all kind of neat things. Heck we could even have regular meetings with tea and crumpets.

I have tried to look all of you up and send all of you a friend request. My motive was mainly selfish. I am a total novice and I do need a mentor and guide to just be able to learn what a chord is. However, I made a discovery. Do you know how many CBG entheusaist are in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Franklin, Brentwood, Fairvirew, or Dickson? Did you know we have professional players, builders, songwriters, and shop owners, as well as novices like me? We have guys however there were a surprising number of gals also. We make up a very large group!

Go to community AND DO AND ADVANCED SEARCH USING TN IN THE STATE SEARCH AREA. Since I live in Fairview I did not look at Madison, Gallitin, or points east but there were many out there. There are many in Morrison - yeah - as small as it is they could have their own club!

MY rallying cry is CBGers UNITE! Form clubs, associations, local groups!


Nashville "Are you ready to r-u-m-b-l-e?

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