I have built one previous CBG to the one I just built. The previous one was so bad I actually burned it.
Wanting to learn the right way, I purchased a kit from C.B. Gitty. I read the instructions and got started. I built the neck out of a 1x2 of poplar from Home Depot. Got it cut and sanded. Directions were good. Unfortunately the lid came off my cigar box. When it came time for assembly I glued the lid down on the edge and then put glue on the neck inside the box and glued the lid down.
When I got the guitar all strung up, the low G string sounded good with a nice, full (allbeit untuned) sound, the D and the high G strings sounded muted and dull.
I think gluing the lid down was where I goofed.
Am I right or am I wrong?
Looks like I need to get another 1x2, a cigar box, and another kit and try again.
Right now the guitar is a one string diddley bow that I am getting really good at playing Johnny Cash songs on with a battery for a slide.
Look for a crack in the soundboard under the saddle, the saddle sitting high on the soundboard under the high strings or loose materials on the bridge point of contact with the strings (this should be clean and able to hold the strings at a fixed point).
We can only make wild guesses at what went wrong without more info.
If the soundboard is too thick or loose or hindered by contact with something it will affect the sound.
Something else to think about, cbg's are rough sounding instruments by design. They are not as bright sounding or tonally enriched as guitars with 200 years of design behind them. Don't compare them to normal guitars.
pictures would help, I've never had a problem with full contact between the lid and the box or neck, but I've had PLEANTY of nut and bridge issues with getting the sound right.
just addressing the glued lid problem,you can still remove it with a bit of care,just use a hair dryer,heat it gently,and gradually slide a scraper or thin knife through the joint,you don't need to re buy a box
I actually glue my necks to the lid on most guitars. It has never dulled the sound like you describe. Check the break angle of the strings coming from the tuner posts over the nut. if the strings are too flat that could cause strange sounds. Pics would likely help the more experienced builders here try to resolve the issue.
Hard to say without pics. Glueing the lid to the box shouldn't dull the sound.
Is the top of the box touching the neck? My first was like that, I channeled out a little bit of the neck so the lid could vibrate and it was instantly twice as loud.