Hi Fellow Cigar Enthusiasts!

Hey guys, I only recently joined this website and just wondering about the community! I’ve loved playing cigar box guitars for ages and I’m so excited to have a group of other people who also appreciate the instrument as much as I do.
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  • Like the Fellors say Zane ! welcom and ask away !

  •  I noticed you haven't any pictures of your guitars yet. I'll show you mine, if you show me yours. (grin)

  • lots of great people on this site....so many helpful people here

  • lots of great people on this site....so many helpful people here

  • It`s a great place for new ideas, both musically and for building projects. There`s a wealth of info to be had.Welcome and enjoy!

    And remember...... CBG means there`s no rules!

  • Hi Zane, welcome, lots of help from players and builders on here.


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