Once upon a time...
Many a tale has begins like that... too many. This one begins recently, and really isn't
a "tale" as such, and really isn't much of anything. In fact, I don't have anything much
to say. Darn, okay, I got nothing at all to say. Why the blue heck am I even typing? I'm
coming across as screwy as that Cap'n Crunch mascot. Like I'm in a position
to criticize anyone? Nope... or yes, as the case may be. Rest easy, my friends. No one
at all is out to get you... no one at all. Everything is going to be all right. Everything is
under control here. Move along now, nothing to see here...
"So I called up the CAPTAIN, please bring me my wine. He said,
we haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine."
---The Eagles,
Hotel California
Sunday's really get to ya sometimes don't they!!