Well I am building my first and last 4 string ( Found out I have non treatable lung cancer at Christmas ).
It started out as a nice traditional style. Got it done. Damn Box had no tone. JAVA box Cheap Plywood and Arborite with the thinnest veneer I have ever seen.
So tore it all down. Strengthened the box and my make it solid. Added two Rowe surface mount pick-ups, inset about 1/2 inch, Getty sound & tone. Stripping all the label and painting it Crimson Red.
Going to call it Mayhem because at the least it should develop some interest noise if not mellow sound. Adding a verse on back telling Satan to move over I am coming and bringing MAYHEM with me
I will lets you know if it plays.
Looking forward to the sound.
Best wishes. IT WILL PLAY!
sorry to hear about your health , i hope the guitar comes out great and can provide you great companionship and therapy , maybe even healing ;-)