Canjo Plans

All, Here is the plans for the Canjo based on Herschel Brown, et al. They are freely available and the intent is for us CBGers to make them for schools, hospitals, as a Boy/Girl Scout project, Church project, or any other act of community good will.

You must download the free Google SketchUp to open and work with this file (.skb).

Use them for fun. Use them in peace ;-)


The file to download: canjo.skb


NEW PLANS!!! 070311



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  • Hi Wes,

    Thanks for these well-done SketchUp plans. I couldn't get them to open in SketchUp, so I did a little research and found that for Mac users, the extension should be changed from ".skb" to ".skp".  They'll then open with no problem.

  • a bit late I know....

  • New Plans!!!


    See above.



  • Mike, i secure them with screws and nuts. I recess the nuts into the wood and the wood is now in the can. I will post pics soon

  • I would like to know ? How do you mount the neck to the can,,,, A FLAT CAN. Is it mounted to the top or bottom of the can to get the best sound..........some one can tell me hit me up @

    Thanks to all of you for all the help in the past on the, & CBG or CCJOG,

  • Chuck, I'm reworking all of this . Will home something more soon.

  • Making some canjos for our school, need to know how can is mounted and how the string is mounted to the can. Is there a special way that works best or just use our imagination. thank you Chuck
  • HE He Tammi. You can also use any vegetable can. Large green bean cans are great. There are so many ones you can build.

  • Building my 1st one :) The hard part will be picking out the can! (I hope!) lol
  • We've started a canjo group on Cigar Box Nation called "Canjo Consortium". If you found this thread about building canjos, then you will probably be interested in joining our group. From the diagram above, I see they recommend a pan head screw for a slotted nut. Nice idea.
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