It's here! New and improved GUITAR QUADRAMULADROITECS, without which all of  your stringed

             lutelike instruments---from the cream of the crop beauties being hand-sculpted at the Tsing-Jian

             Fender Guitars Factory & Chow Mein Refinery, down to those useless cigar box "guitars" being 

             churned out by chronic malcontents and affiliated hooligans---yes, ALL of your instruments, are

             completely and utterly USELESS!!!

             You NEED it now! You must, absolutely MUST, have the NEW! AND! IMPROVED! GQRLD-TEC!

             If you don't, then you are not only a total and abject loser, you're probably also some sort of

             goddamned terrorist. At least that's what your neighbors and family will think. In fact, if you don't

             order within the next fifteen minutes, we're calling the cops. I mean, really, it's not like the FBI doesn't

             already have people watching you, you stinking anti-American Jihadi. Order our product, and it will

             look good in your file... or else!

                                                      PO Box 666 Mammon, Mississippi 38769


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  • Cat demandin' catnip! And the DOPC (Dept Of Cat Health) still say  catnip "not addictive" !! (ah'm aff for a ciggy and a pint)

  • Love it Clock. Cat wi machine gun v Wolf. Know who ma maoney would be on : WOLF (LOL)


  •    " so who's the ass now???????? "      

       Nothing serious!!! I made the mistake of looking at the Guitar Center website and had bad dreams as a


  •                                               305783619?profile=RESIZE_320x320   " Woof! Woof! Woof!                


                                               Master says me go to vet to get               

                                                          TUTORED !!! "

  • Someone wants stabbing with a spork...
  • fut the  wuck ?

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