A new Music No-Contest! :)


Hallo Cigarbox friends, I propose you a Contest/ Non Contest with whom everyone wins:)

I explain better :)
Starting today Feb 24th,2015 isopen the If You Are Happy contest. Deadline is April 30th , 2015.

You are ALL invited to join! What is necessary is to be CREATIVE: you can indulge yourself doing anything you want, find any instrument you like, any non-instrument you like and play your personal cover of IF YOU ARE HAPPY. 


They are real allowed ALL instruments: guitar, bass, piano, bells, kazoo, triangles, maracas, voices, screams and0 Cigar Box (of course) or whatever I do not mind now :) 

What is REALLY important is to don't limit your creativity, don't be bound to the score or to the original version (however you can download it from links below, but just to have a guideline :)) don't be linked to“conventional notes” ... so just free your mind and play :)

You can send any type of registration, professional and not. 
You can record with a phone, in a professional recording studio or use you want/you can. 

Please send your beautiful creations at: robydiana@gmail.com 

And "If You Are Happy" … something magical willshine :)

The "interesting" part of this contest, which I prefer to call NON-contest :), is that everyone who join ...WINS! 

All versions will be recorded on CD and each of the participants will receive the physical copy of the compilation, while non-participants will be able to download it for free from the web.

Below you will find the promo with the first Violin cover :)


So what are you waiting for? 
Pick up your instrument and … have fun! :)

Be happy, be free! :)

MUSICSHEET/TAB: http://goo.gl/OkbsK3
VIDEO If you are happy live instudio: https://www.youtube.com/

AUDIO If you arehappy: https://robertodiana.bandcamp.com/track/if-you-are-happy

Can't wait to listen some great Cigar box versions :)


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  • Thanks Thorsten, can't wait to listen your version :)
    Feel free to send me pictures with your infos when you are working on it, I'll post on the apposite photo album of the NO-contest  :)
    And if you come to Sardinia let me know, I could be gigging there or maybe we can meet for a beer  :)

  • I'll probably give it a try. But I'll use other instruments as well.

    You're from Sardinia? That's where we're going to spend our holiday next summer...

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