Hi all, this just came up for sale on ebay!
I posted more info about this wonderful homemade guitar below the photo
check out the headstock and fretboard!
This instrument is from Kentucky and found in Fallsburg, KY. It is handmade from a “THE ORIGINAL PALMA, W.H. SNYDER & SONS, INC.” cigar box, with hand carved walnut neck and pegs.
Records indicate that W.H. Snyder & Sons of 91 W. Main St., Windsor, PA filed as a corporation in 1920, 1921, and March 1959 via PA records (exact date is unknown).
The cigar box has cracks and a loose glued wooden block that was either inside or serves as a string bridge.
If you enjoy learning about the history of early Blues and cigar box guitars - There is a website and online photo museum with many old and antique cigar box instruments.
The website is at this link https://www.homemade-guitars.com
There is also cigar box guitar music and videos.
- This guitars was found on eBay for sale at this link https://www.ebay.com/itm/233345551994
I didn't realize that!
It appears to be strung as a lefty. Great old CBG.