Nail Pick-up - Triple - Three String CBG

I think my nail pickups are a totally new design. I don't ever remember seeing anything remotely similar. Correct me if I'm wrong!
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  • Hi Flat, thanks for your interest.  On this triple pickup, I scatter wound it....going back and forth down the full length.   I'm happy with it from the standpoint that it does work and sound pretty good.  I have noticed that the center string doesn't seem to get picked up quite as strong as the outside ones.  My duece pickup was wound in segments.....outside, then middle, then outside.  It picks up both strings very strong.   If I make another three string pickup like this one, I would try winding it the same way I did the duece.   However, I do have bronze wound, acoustic strings on this git and I'm thinking that changing the strings will have an effect on it's output. 

    I started out building with piezos too.  They are very easy, cheap and quick.  I was never happy with the tone and I absolutely hated all the unwanted noise they pick up.

    Try winding one of these stingers for yourself.....they can't get any simpler and it's so rewarding!   Good luck!

  • Wow, this is really interesting. I'm new here have only built one CBG with a piezo but want to do one with a selfwound pup so I'm collecting different ideas. Have you tried to see if there is a difference whether you wind in sections or full length, i.e. wind each section to desired thickness, then cross over the magnet and wind the next section or doing a continuous wind, jumping the magnets every time?



  • Wow, that lipstick pup of Teds did look cool.   Too bad it didn't work after all that time and effort.  That would suck.

    I guess the advantage I have is that I don't know what the hell I'm doing so I just experiment and do everything that breaks those all important rules and sometimes get lucky.  For instance, I haven't the foggiest idea how many winds I have on my crude little pickups.  I just put on as many as would fit and looked good to me.   I purposely used the "wrong" size wire and I have no idea how much resistance these little guys have.  I just like breaking rules and having fun!  

    By the way, I went for a walk this morning and found an old lipstick pickup just laying there rusting and not picking up any vibrations at all!   So I rushed back to the shop, tore it apart and sure enough, you were right!   See picture for proof of what I found inside that thing!   

    PS,  Don't take this too seriously, just trying to have a little fun......that's why I love this group of people here on the nation they're trying to make music fun.  It's a cigar box!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    I respect you too Kid.  I've read many of your comments and it always sounds like you really know what you're talking about.  Have a great day!


  • Ha yeah ok maybe 'exactly' was overstatement, not sure it's oak..
    I've opened one or two that are a regular shaped coil like you might expect but most are like you've done. See this one of teds, complete with lathe turned tube teds tried most everything btw. The possible disadvantages to doing these lateral winds as I see it (may of course be considered advantages too of course..!) 1 each wind takes considerably less wire to make a turn, resulting in less inductance (basically resistance) you gain, ie needs more turns for same result.. And 2.. Easy to have Uneven distribution of the copper wire across the strings.. (which may be desirable or intentional)
    Anyway like I said, great stuff I respect the thinkers :)
  • Geez.....I'm so em-bare-assed!  Who'd a thunk that there'd be a nail, three super magnets and a chunk of carved up oak inside one of those things!!!!  ;-)     Now I really need to tear into one! 

    Thanks....glad you liked it!

  • Yeah that's exactly what's inside the lipstick tube. Don't be discouraged tho, just shows ur on the right track. Great stuff
  • Oh crap, are you serious?   I've never seen the inside of a lipstick pickup.  I guess now I'll have to find one and rip it apart!

  • Thanks Mike but you have nothing to be jellyassed about!

    Are you going to KC?   How's the house coming?

  • well. i'm all jellyassed now! love the simplicity!

  • Thank you Elmar, I agree, we can move things ahead if we share.  The open source model rocks. 

    Pete, another great idea.  I could have used a rake like that after reroofing my house to pick up all the old nails!

    Tor and Billy, I'll provide better instructions if you really want!

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