Posted by Al Wenkebach on June 30, 2016 at 11:08am
Silverware box. Hole covers made from bathtub drain covers. Tail piece is a cabinet hinge. Neck markers are thumb tacks that are glued and recessed. Bridge and nut are set screws. Blank neck from CB Gitty. I installed the fret wires. Tuners are from a pawn shop.
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Well, I'm starting my second 3 stringer. In this photo I have taken the neck off of an old broken guitar that I bought at a garage sale for 5 bucks......I have taken off one side of the tuners and I have removed all of the fret wires so I could strip the sides of the neck down to 1-1/2 inches..........Nobody told me that I wasn't suppose to cut my finger with a new chisel.
Thanks, Maddog. We should find out more today Doc appointment this morning. Also, I've have been planning, in my head, my next build. The present guitar has good sound if you are standing in front of the guitar but to me, while playing it, the sound is a lot different. I might consider adding electrics to it in the future.
Thanks, Darryl...It will not be until the temperatures go down some. Outside temps here are running close to 100* and I have no a/c in my shop. Plus, there's some pressing medical problems that we are trying to get cleared up at the moment. Finances are tight right now. Thanks for the like and reply.
Thanks, Calim.
great build
I must say that that is what he thinks it is. Since all of the tests show nothing was wrong anywhere else. Thanks for the reply.
Glad that was all it was Al, hope she feels better soon :-)
We just found out that the medical issue my wife has is not anything serious. It's a bruised rib. That's it!
Thanks, Maddog. We should find out more today Doc appointment this morning. Also, I've have been planning, in my head, my next build. The present guitar has good sound if you are standing in front of the guitar but to me, while playing it, the sound is a lot different. I might consider adding electrics to it in the future.
Very nice Al!
Good luck with the medical issues, hope all goes well!
Thanks, Darryl...It will not be until the temperatures go down some. Outside temps here are running close to 100* and I have no a/c in my shop. Plus, there's some pressing medical problems that we are trying to get cleared up at the moment. Finances are tight right now. Thanks for the like and reply.
that is very good work, especially for a first build....when do you start tne next build?