Christmas Day Build

Tried out a few new ideas. An angled back headstock secured by a deck screw hidden by an overlay. Painted the bottom of the box black to hide all the text (I have given up on removing the text with sandpaper or solvents); a quick and easy solution. 

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  • Pieter you are correct it's close to a proper nut, but the slot for the string is not as tight. As for the height (action), it is too high and I plan to reduce it on future fretboards.

  • Doug. I notice the "bulk" of your zero-fret. It almost acts like a proper nut in this event. What is your experience with the slightly more bulky (difinitely higher) zero-fret ?

  • Thanks BrianQ! We won't talk about how many prints it took before I finally got a passable version of the design and colors. I always learn something along the way.

  • Very kool Doug, that embossed look is killer!!

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