finished morteruelo reso-3

the box was a large Punch Cigar box. i removed the paper and it turned out pretty well, i think.
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  • Hey Steve,

    Thanks. I took the label off by experimenting, and luckily, it worked.

    First I took off what I could with my fingers. I wasn't concerned with keeping the paper intact. After a minute or two I realized that there was definitely too much glue for this tactic. So then I soaked it in warm water, with a bit of liquid hand soap. After a few minutes I went in and scraped with my fingers. It took quite a bit of time, but I got it all off. (I was able to keep the "Punch" labels from the sides of the box without tearing them. I had to be really careful though)

    Then I let the box dry... I did 3 boxes and they all turned out fine. I was worried about warping, so after they were more or less dry I put a weight on them, but I don't think it was necessary.

    Good luck

  • John , how did you get the label off? I tried a bit last nite and ran into some serious glue. 


  • Looks cool, Id like to hear it.  I was thinking about taking the label off.  I bet the guys in the 1800's took them off. I like old timey
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