

I have built a number of chuggers. I have presented workshops on how to build a chugger, to children as well as adults.

I have difficulty obtaining real cigar boxes, so have started to manufacure substitute boxes. In the spirit of unholding the tradition of CBG building, I try to make my "imitation" boxes look like real ones.

Problem statement:

Playing the chugger is all about rhythm and strumming patterns. Some students are hesitant, or uncomfortable, to start strum exercises on a chugger. (Scared of damage to the instrument ?)


I have devised a device to be used by beginners to playing the chugger. It consists of a standard box (my "standard"), a shortened neck, and a mini-washboard.

The student plays the "instrument" by holding it the same way he/she would hold a cbg.  They then strum over the washboard using a plectrum.


The student gets used to the feel of holding and playing a CBG. The neck is still there, the playing hand rests on the back of the instrument, the area where they need to strum is the same. There is aven a dummy bridge and saddle to get them used to what it feels like.

The student need not be concerned about pressing down on a fretboard or producing a specific chord.


Other features.:

The device is cheap and easy to manufacture. It uses mainly parts I already produce for my guitars.

The demo version has a piezo transducer and mono jack. Students who are unable or unwilling to play the guitar in jam sessions with others are encouraged to still use it just as a percussion instrument during the jam session.


How to build:

The photo tells the story. I manufactured the washboard by gluing 1/4" dowels together. This can easily be done by laying the sticks on an upturned piece of duct tape to hold them in place temporarily. Then just liberaly spread glue all over the area. Once the glue has set, the assembly is peeled from the duct tape, turned right-way up and cut to size.

I decided to "frame" the washboard to support it and to blend it into the rest of the build. 


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