Cigar Box Amp #1

Built from an old weirdly shaped box.
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  • Thanks guys. I'll try the jaycar kit and see how it goes.
  • Hmm, I made it some time ago. I think I made the kit standard, with a switchable gain setting. I left the micro pot off the bard and used an external logarithmic pot. The biggest issue is finding a suitable 8ohm speaker in a small package. Good luck.
  • Hi Philip, great looking amp. I'm struggling with building an amp myslff and thought I might try using The Champ kit from Jaycar. What are the modifications you made for yours and are their any tips you would offer having done it yourself? Thanks, Michael
  • It's basically a LM386 smokey. It's a combination of Beavis Audio and my own design modifications. The better radio shack in Australia is called Jaycar and they sell an LM386 amp kit called "The Champ" for about nine bucks so I used that as a starting point and changed some of the parts. Unfortunately the only speaker I could find was 4ohms and the amp definitely sounds better through 8ohms. That's what the extension speaker jack you can see on the right is for.
  • being a rugby player i love that box! cool amp too, was it a kit or a home made effort?
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