This end shot shows the strap button and 1/4 inch jack. I glued the piezo pickup pretty flush with the box lid. Unfortunately it picks up every little bump and brush my arm makes against the box.
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The bridge is glued. I scraped off the paper in the bridge's footprint to get down to the bare pasteboard. I then used Titebond III, clamped it, and hoped for the best. It's been strung for 3 days and the bridge hasn't popped off so I guess it worked. If you look at the bottom of the bridge in this pic, the four little blobs at the bottom of the bridge are the knots I tied to keep the strings in place. Today, after the free Guitar Center uke class, one of my fellow students got me to plug it into a proper amp. When she turned the high end down somewhat, that scraping diminished greatly.
The bridge is glued. I scraped off the paper in the bridge's footprint to get down to the bare pasteboard. I then used Titebond III, clamped it, and hoped for the best. It's been strung for 3 days and the bridge hasn't popped off so I guess it worked. If you look at the bottom of the bridge in this pic, the four little blobs at the bottom of the bridge are the knots I tied to keep the strings in place. Today, after the free Guitar Center uke class, one of my fellow students got me to plug it into a proper amp. When she turned the high end down somewhat, that scraping diminished greatly.
How'd you fasten the bridge to the box? Or do the strings go through?
Nice! Those piezo's are pretty unforgiving.